Types of Fuel Cells


Types of Fuel Cells

The different types of fuel cells include Alkaline Fuel Cell, Direct Methanol Fuel Cell, Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, and Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell.

Type of Fuel Cell

Operating Temperature (˚C)



Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC)

40 to 200



Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)

60 to 130



Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)

40 to 90

Hydrogen/ Carbondioxide


Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC)


Hydrogen/ Carbondioxide

Phosphoric Acid

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. (SOFC)

600 to 950

Methane, Hydrogen and carbon monoxide

Solid Acid

Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell. (MCFC)


Methane, Hydrogen and carbon monoxide

Molten Carbonate


Hydrogen Fuel Cells:

Hydrogen Fuel and air that has oxygen reacts when they come into make contact with an electrolyte that splits them. And this reaction results in the transmission of the electrons and ions across electrolyte from anode to cathode. If the external load is added to this and a complete circuit is created and the voltage is produced from the stream of electrical current.

Efficiency of Hydrogen Fuel Cell:

  • 40% efficiency produced, coverts methanol to hydrogen in reformer
  • 80% efficiency for motor, converts electrical to mechanical energy
  • Overall Efficiency- 24 to 32%
  • 80% of hydrogen energy content converted to the electrical energy

Hydrogen @ room temperature:

  • Lighter than air
  • Colourless
  • Easiest and most rich constituent
  • Odourless
  • More proficient than the current fuels utilised in the transportation
  • Additional energy per weight than that of any other energy mediums

Comparison of Auto Power Efficiency:


System Efficiency

Gasoline Engine


Fuel Cell

24 to 32%

Electric Battery
















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