Engineering Mechanics is the one of the most basic subjects that is required to study mechanical engineering from second year onwards. The subject will expose you to concepts like friction, kinetics, kinematics, resolving forces, trusses etc which forms the crux of design sciences. All these concepts are required to study subjects like Strength of Materials, Theory of Machines I,II , Machine Design, FEA, Mechanical Vibration etc. Basically every subject in Mechanical Engineering will use these concepts of engineering mechanics ranging from production technology to design sciences to thermal sciences. It is very important that you take the subject very very seriously if you want to pursue Mechanical Engineering. If you find engineering mechanics boring or too difficult to understand then I suggest you to change your stream in the second year if possible.

In Mechanical Engineering, every subject is equally important. You need to have a basic and sound knowledge of every engineering field if you want to become a successful Mechanical Engineer. A Mechanical Engineer is like a "Jack of all trades. Master of none". There is not a single topic in the engineering world which is out of syllabus for a mechanical engineer. You can teach concepts of programming, semiconductors, algorithms, data structures, etc to a mechanical engineer. But you cannot teach Thermodynamics or Fluid Mechanics to an IT engineer. That's the way how it works.

In Applied Physics I, you may have studied about BCC, FCC and crystal structure. Even that shit is important concept for a Mechanical Engineer. You will learn more about it in Material Technology.

Till your second year, the subjects that you learn will be more focused towards concept building. You will learn application related subjects from third year. Example - concepts of SOM, TOM, PP and MT, are very frequently used in Machine Design. Concepts of Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics are used in Thermal and Fluid Power Engineering, IC Engine and Mechanical Utility Systems. So if you feel like you are learning lot of theoretical concepts and not learning its applications, then wait for a few semesters. You will soon realize how these concepts are linked in a beautiful cycle.

All the best to your engineering adventure.


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